About Eli
I got into art when I was a youngster and have been drawing and creating ever since. I first started tattooing when I was 35. I found that I was really good at it and kept going with it, learning as I went and taking pointers where I could from whomever would lend some time to sit and discuss the art of tattooing to me and allow me to follow them for a couple days to get the idea of how to work the ink and needles.
My first client was a blind man who obviously let anyone — skilled or not — tattoo him. This was apparent by the work he had on his body. Needless to say, my first piece wasn’t the greatest but thankfully, this guy let me practice with him. I eventually got the hang of the needle and the weight of the machine and was able to fix up my first piece, turning it into a masterpiece.
I enjoy the connection that comes with tattooing a person, the camaraderie if you will. I get to meet new and exciting people and get to know them on a personal level. A lot of conversing happens when tattooing. I also deeply enjoy creating art for someone else to enjoy other than myself.